Tag/Codec Error on Convert

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Tag/Codec Error on Convert

Post by AnonSupreme »

Hey guys, I just re-installed Faceswap to get my GPU working, and hey - it's working awesome! Way faster on extract and training, so all is well right?

...Not quite.

For some reason now when I enable FFMpeg to try converting as a video, I get this error:

Code: Select all

[mp4 @ 00000262DDE00900] Could not find tag for codec pcm_s16le in stream #1, codec not currently supported in container
Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argument
Error initializing output stream 0:0 --

This is logged in a .txt doc as follows:

Code: Select all

08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'writer.pillow', info: 'Options for outputting converted frames to a series of images using Pillow\nPillow is more feature rich than OpenCV but can be slower.')
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'writer.pillow', title: 'format', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'png', info: 'Image format to use:\n	 bmp: Windows bitmap\n	 gif: Graphics Interchange Format (NB: Not animated)\n	 jpg: JPEG format\n	 jp2: JPEG 2000 format\n	 png: Portable Network Graphics\n	 ppm: Portable Pixmap Format\n	 tif: Tag Image File Format', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['bmp', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jp2', 'png', 'ppm', 'tif'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: format)
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'writer.pillow', title: 'draw_transparent', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Place the swapped face on a transparent layer rather than the original frame.\nNB: This is only compatible with images saved in png or tif format. If an incompatible format is selected then the image will be saved as a png.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: format)
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'writer.pillow', title: 'separate_mask', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Seperate the mask into its own single channel image. This only applies when 'draw-transparent' is selected. If enabled, the RGB image will be saved into the selected output folder whilst the masks will be saved into a sub-folder named `masks`. If not enabled then the mask will be included in the alpha-channel of the RGBA output.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: format)
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'writer.pillow', title: 'optimize', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: '[gif, jpg and png only] If enabled, indicates that the encoder should make an extra pass over the image in order to select optimal encoder settings.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'writer.pillow', title: 'gif_interlace', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: '[gif only] Set whether to save the gif as interlaced or not.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'writer.pillow', title: 'jpg_quality', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '75', info: '[jpg only] Set the jpg quality. 1 is worst 95 is best. Higher quality leads to larger file sizes.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 95), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: compression)
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'writer.pillow', title: 'png_compress_level', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '3', info: '[png only] ZLIB compression level, 1 gives best speed, 9 gives best compression, 0 gives no compression at all. When optimize option is set to True this has no effect (it is set to 9 regardless of a value passed).', rounding: '1', min_max: (0, 9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: compression)
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'writer.pillow', title: 'tif_compression', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'tiff_deflate', info: '[tif only] The desired compression method for the file.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['none', 'tiff_ccitt', 'group3', 'group4', 'tiff_jpeg', 'tiff_adobe_deflate', 'tiff_thunderscan', 'tiff_deflate', 'tiff_sgilog', 'tiff_sgilog24', 'tiff_raw_16'], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: compression)
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: writer.pillow
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          handle_config                  DEBUG    Handling config: (section: scaling.sharpen, configfile: 'C:\Users\DJWes\faceswap\config\convert.ini')
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          check_exists                   DEBUG    Config file exists: 'C:\Users\DJWes\faceswap\config\convert.ini'
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          load_config                    VERBOSE  Loading config: 'C:\Users\DJWes\faceswap\config\convert.ini'
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          validate_config                DEBUG    Validating config
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          check_config_change            DEBUG    Default config has not changed
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          check_config_choices           DEBUG    Checking config choices
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          check_config_choices           DEBUG    Checked config choices
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          validate_config                DEBUG    Validated config
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          handle_config                  DEBUG    Handled config
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: Config
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'scaling.sharpen', option: 'method')
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'str'>, value: None)
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'scaling.sharpen', option: 'amount')
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'int'>, value: 150)
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'scaling.sharpen', option: 'radius')
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 0.3)
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'scaling.sharpen', option: 'threshold')
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 5.0)
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           set_config                     DEBUG    Config: {'method': None, 'amount': 150, 'radius': 0.3, 'threshold': 5.0}
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    config: {'method': None, 'amount': 150, 'radius': 0.3, 'threshold': 5.0}
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Scaling
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     convert         _load_plugins                  DEBUG    Loaded plugins: {'mask': <plugins.convert.mask.mask_blend.Mask object at 0x0000024A1C413820>, 'color': <plugins.convert.color.avg_color.Color object at 0x0000024A1C4132E0>, 'seamless': None, 'sharpening': None}
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     convert         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Converter
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     convert         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Convert
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     convert         process                        DEBUG    Starting Conversion
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     convert         _convert_images                DEBUG    Converting images
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'convert_out'
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'convert_out'
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'patch'
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'patch'
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     convert         _pool_processes                DEBUG    1
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'patch', thread_count: 1)
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'patch'
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'patch'
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'patch_0'
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     patch_0                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Starting convert process. (in_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x0000024A130C0FA0>, out_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x0000024A130C0E20>)
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'patch': 1
08/24/2022 22:50:26 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
08/24/2022 22:50:27 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000005.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:27 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000006.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:27 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000007.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
08/24/2022 22:50:28 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
08/24/2022 22:50:29 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000017.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:29 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
08/24/2022 22:50:30 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000018.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:30 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000019.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:30 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000021.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:30 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000027.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:30 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000028.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:30 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000032.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:30 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000033.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:30 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000034.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:30 MainProcess     _save_0                        convert         _save                          DEBUG    Writing GUI Preview image: 'C:\Users\DJWes\Downloads\aligned\Test Vid\Test Vid Converted\.gui_preview.jpg'
08/24/2022 22:50:30 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000035.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:30 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
08/24/2022 22:50:30 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          _set_dimensions                DEBUG    input dimensions: (2160, 3840)
08/24/2022 22:50:30 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          _set_dimensions                DEBUG    Set dimensions: 3840:2160
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000036.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          _test_for_audio_stream         DEBUG    scanning Stream line: Stream #0:0[0x1]: Video: h264 (Main) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p(bt709, progressive), 3840x2160, 26899 kb/s, SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9, 29.97 fps, 29.97 tbr, 30k tbn (default)
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          _test_for_audio_stream         DEBUG    scanning Stream line: Stream #0:1[0x2]: Audio: pcm_s16le (lpcm / 0x6D63706C), 48000 Hz, stereo, s16, 1536 kb/s (default)
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          _test_for_audio_stream         DEBUG    Audio found: True
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          _audio_codec                   DEBUG    Audio codec: copy
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          _get_writer                    DEBUG    writer config: {'container': 'mp4', 'codec': 'libx264', 'crf': 23, 'preset': 'medium', 'tune': None, 'profile': 'auto', 'level': 'auto', 'skip_mux': False}, audio_path: 'C:\Users\DJWes\Downloads\aligned\Test Vid\Test Vid Easy.mov'
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000037.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000038.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000039.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          _video_fps                     DEBUG    29.97
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          _output_params                 DEBUG    ['-vf', 'scale=3840:2160', '-crf', '23', '-preset', 'medium']
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          _get_writer                    DEBUG    FFMPEG Writer created: <generator object write_frames at 0x0000024A1C556EB0>
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000040.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000041.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000042.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000043.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000044.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000045.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000046.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000047.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000048.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000049.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:31 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
08/24/2022 22:50:32 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000050.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:32 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000051.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:32 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000058.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:32 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000059.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:32 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000060.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:32 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 VERBOSE  Found more than one face in an image! 'Test Vid Easy_000061.png'
08/24/2022 22:50:32 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
08/24/2022 22:50:33 MainProcess     _save_0                        multithreading  run                            DEBUG    Error in thread (_save_0): [Errno 22] Invalid argument\n\nFFMPEG COMMAND:\nC:\Users\DJWes\MiniConda3\envs\faceswap\Library\bin\ffmpeg.exe -y -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -s 3840x2160 -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 29.97 -i - -i C:\Users\DJWes\Downloads\aligned\Test Vid\Test Vid Easy.mov -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -v error -vf scale=3840:2160 -crf 23 -preset medium -acodec copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 C:\Users\DJWes\Downloads\aligned\Test Vid\Test Vid Converted\Test Vid Easy_converted_4.mp4\n\nFFMPEG STDERR OUTPUT:\n
08/24/2022 22:50:33 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  check_and_raise_error          DEBUG    Thread error caught: [(<class 'OSError'>, OSError('[Errno 22] Invalid argument\n\nFFMPEG COMMAND:\nC:\\Users\\DJWes\\MiniConda3\\envs\\faceswap\\Library\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe -y -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -s 3840x2160 -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 29.97 -i - -i C:\\Users\\DJWes\\Downloads\\aligned\\Test Vid\\Test Vid Easy.mov -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -v error -vf scale=3840:2160 -crf 23 -preset medium -acodec copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 C:\\Users\\DJWes\\Downloads\\aligned\\Test Vid\\Test Vid Converted\\Test Vid Easy_converted_4.mp4\n\nFFMPEG STDERR OUTPUT:\n'), <traceback object at 0x0000024A13123CC0>)]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\DJWes\MiniConda3\envs\faceswap\lib\site-packages\imageio_ffmpeg\_io.py", line 615, in write_frames
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\DJWes\faceswap\lib\cli\launcher.py", line 201, in execute_script
  File "C:\Users\DJWes\faceswap\scripts\convert.py", line 171, in process
  File "C:\Users\DJWes\faceswap\scripts\convert.py", line 198, in _convert_images
  File "C:\Users\DJWes\faceswap\scripts\convert.py", line 218, in _check_thread_error
  File "C:\Users\DJWes\faceswap\lib\multithreading.py", line 84, in check_and_raise_error
    raise error[1].with_traceback(error[2])
  File "C:\Users\DJWes\faceswap\lib\multithreading.py", line 37, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\DJWes\faceswap\scripts\convert.py", line 642, in _save
    self._writer.write(filename, image)
  File "C:\Users\DJWes\faceswap\plugins\convert\writer\ffmpeg.py", line 244, in write
  File "C:\Users\DJWes\faceswap\plugins\convert\writer\ffmpeg.py", line 271, in _save_from_cache
    self._writer.send(np.ascontiguousarray(save_image[:, :, ::-1]))
  File "C:\Users\DJWes\MiniConda3\envs\faceswap\lib\site-packages\imageio_ffmpeg\_io.py", line 622, in write_frames
    raise IOError(msg)
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

C:\Users\DJWes\MiniConda3\envs\faceswap\Library\bin\ffmpeg.exe -y -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -s 3840x2160 -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 29.97 -i - -i C:\Users\DJWes\Downloads\aligned\Test Vid\Test Vid Easy.mov -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -v error -vf scale=3840:2160 -crf 23 -preset medium -acodec copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 C:\Users\DJWes\Downloads\aligned\Test Vid\Test Vid Converted\Test Vid Easy_converted_4.mp4


============ System Information ============
encoding:            cp1252
git_branch:          master
git_commits:         9e503bd bugfix: debug landmarks
gpu_cuda:            No global version found. Check Conda packages for Conda Cuda
gpu_cudnn:           No global version found. Check Conda packages for Conda cuDNN
gpu_devices:         GPU_0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti
gpu_devices_active:  GPU_0
gpu_driver:          516.94
gpu_vram:            GPU_0: 8192MB
os_machine:          AMD64
os_platform:         Windows-10-10.0.22000-SP0
os_release:          10
py_command:          C:\Users\DJWes\faceswap\faceswap.py convert -i C:/Users/DJWes/Downloads/aligned/Test Vid/Test Vid Easy.mov -o C:/Users/DJWes/Downloads/aligned/Test Vid/Test Vid Converted -al C:/Users/DJWes/Downloads/aligned/Test Vid/Test Vid Easy_alignments.fsa -m C:/Users/DJWes/Downloads/aligned/Test Model -c avg-color -M extended -w ffmpeg -osc 100 -l 0.4 -j 0 -sp -L INFO -gui
py_conda_version:    conda 4.14.0
py_implementation:   CPython
py_version:          3.9.12
py_virtual_env:      True
sys_cores:           16
sys_processor:       Intel64 Family 6 Model 167 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel
sys_ram:             Total: 32619MB, Available: 16085MB, Used: 16533MB, Free: 16085MB

=============== Pip Packages ===============
cloudpickle @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/cloudpickle_1632508026186/work
colorama @ file:///C:/Windows/TEMP/abs_9439aeb1-0254-449a-96f7-33ab5eb17fc8apleb4yn/croots/recipe/colorama_1657009099097/work
cycler @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/cycler_1637851556182/work
decorator @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/decorator_1643638310831/work
fastcluster @ file:///D:/bld/fastcluster_1649783471014/work
imageio @ file:///C:/Windows/TEMP/abs_24c1b783-7540-4ca9-a1b1-0e8aa8e6ae64hb79ssux/croots/recipe/imageio_1658785038775/work
imageio-ffmpeg @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/imageio-ffmpeg_1649960641006/work
joblib @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/joblib_1633637554808/work
kiwisolver @ file:///C:/ci/kiwisolver_1653292407425/work
matplotlib @ file:///C:/ci/matplotlib-suite_1647423638658/work
mkl-random @ file:///C:/ci/mkl_random_1626186184308/work
numexpr @ file:///C:/Windows/Temp/abs_e2036a32-9fe9-47f3-a04c-dbb1c232ba4b334exiur/croots/recipe/numexpr_1656940304835/work
numpy @ file:///C:/Windows/Temp/abs_2a1e1vbeag/croots/recipe/numpy_and_numpy_base_1659432712056/work
packaging @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/packaging_1637314298585/work
psutil @ file:///C:/Windows/Temp/abs_b2c2fd7f-9fd5-4756-95ea-8aed74d0039flsd9qufz/croots/recipe/psutil_1656431277748/work
pyparsing @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/pyparsing_1635766073266/work
PyQt5-sip @ file:///C:/Windows/Temp/abs_d7gmd2jg8i/croots/recipe/pyqt-split_1659273064801/work/pyqt_sip
python-dateutil @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/python-dateutil_1626374649649/work
pywinpty @ file:///C:/ci_310/pywinpty_1644230983541/work/target/wheels/pywinpty-2.0.2-cp39-none-win_amd64.whl
scikit-learn @ file:///D:/bld/scikit-learn_1659726281030/work
scipy @ file:///C:/bld/scipy_1658811088396/work
sip @ file:///C:/Windows/Temp/abs_b8fxd17m2u/croots/recipe/sip_1659012372737/work
six @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/six_1644875935023/work
tensorflow-probability @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/tensorflow-probability_1633017132682/work
threadpoolctl @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/threadpoolctl_1643647933166/work
toml @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/toml_1616166611790/work
tornado @ file:///C:/ci/tornado_1606924294691/work
tqdm @ file:///C:/ci/tqdm_1650636210717/work
typing_extensions @ file:///C:/Windows/TEMP/abs_dd2d0moa85/croots/recipe/typing_extensions_1659638831135/work

============== Conda Packages ==============
# packages in environment at C:\Users\DJWes\MiniConda3\envs\faceswap:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
absl-py                   1.2.0                    pypi_0    pypi
aom                       3.4.0                h0e60522_1    conda-forge
astunparse                1.6.3                    pypi_0    pypi
blas                      1.0                         mkl  
brotli                    1.0.9                h2bbff1b_7  
brotli-bin                1.0.9                h2bbff1b_7  
bzip2                     1.0.8                h8ffe710_4    conda-forge
ca-certificates           2022.6.15            h5b45459_0    conda-forge
cachetools                5.2.0                    pypi_0    pypi
certifi                   2022.6.15        py39hcbf5309_0    conda-forge
charset-normalizer        2.1.1                    pypi_0    pypi
cloudpickle               2.0.0              pyhd3eb1b0_0  
colorama                  0.4.5            py39haa95532_0  
cudatoolkit               11.2.2              h933977f_10    conda-forge
cudnn                        h3e0f4f4_0    conda-forge
cycler                    0.11.0             pyhd3eb1b0_0  
decorator                 5.1.1              pyhd3eb1b0_0  
dm-tree                   0.1.5            py39hf11a4ad_0  
expat                     2.4.8                h39d44d4_0    conda-forge
fastcluster               1.2.6            py39h2e25243_1    conda-forge
ffmpeg                    5.1.0           gpl_h36dc936_101    conda-forge
ffmpy                     0.3.0                    pypi_0    pypi
flatbuffers               1.12                     pypi_0    pypi
font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono 2.37                 hab24e00_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-inconsolata      3.000                h77eed37_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-source-code-pro  2.038                h77eed37_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-ubuntu           0.83                 hab24e00_0    conda-forge
fontconfig                2.14.0               hce3cb01_0    conda-forge
fonts-conda-ecosystem     1                             0    conda-forge
fonts-conda-forge         1                             0    conda-forge
fonttools                 4.25.0             pyhd3eb1b0_0  
freetype                  2.10.4               hd328e21_0  
gast                      0.4.0                    pypi_0    pypi
git                       2.34.1               haa95532_0  
glib                      2.69.1               h5dc1a3c_1  
google-auth               2.11.0                   pypi_0    pypi
google-auth-oauthlib      0.4.6                    pypi_0    pypi
google-pasta              0.2.0                    pypi_0    pypi
grpcio                    1.47.0                   pypi_0    pypi
gst-plugins-base          1.18.5               h9e645db_0  
gstreamer                 1.18.5               hd78058f_0  
h5py                      3.7.0                    pypi_0    pypi
icu                       58.2                 ha925a31_3  
idna                      3.3                      pypi_0    pypi
imageio                   2.19.3           py39haa95532_0  
imageio-ffmpeg            0.4.7              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
importlib-metadata        4.12.0                   pypi_0    pypi
intel-openmp              2021.4.0          haa95532_3556  
joblib                    1.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
jpeg                      9e                   h2bbff1b_0  
keras                     2.9.0                    pypi_0    pypi
keras-preprocessing       1.1.2                    pypi_0    pypi
kiwisolver                1.4.2            py39hd77b12b_0  
lerc                      3.0                  hd77b12b_0  
libblas                   3.9.0           1_h8933c1f_netlib    conda-forge
libbrotlicommon           1.0.9                h2bbff1b_7  
libbrotlidec              1.0.9                h2bbff1b_7  
libbrotlienc              1.0.9                h2bbff1b_7  
libcblas                  3.9.0           5_hd5c7e75_netlib    conda-forge
libclang                  14.0.6                   pypi_0    pypi
libdeflate                1.8                  h2bbff1b_5  
libffi                    3.4.2                hd77b12b_4  
libiconv                  1.16                 h2bbff1b_2  
liblapack                 3.9.0           5_hd5c7e75_netlib    conda-forge
libogg                    1.3.5                h2bbff1b_1  
libpng                    1.6.37               h2a8f88b_0  
libtiff                   4.4.0                h8a3f274_0  
libvorbis                 1.3.7                he774522_0  
libwebp                   1.2.2                h2bbff1b_0  
libxml2                   2.9.14               h0ad7f3c_0  
libxslt                   1.1.35               h2bbff1b_0  
libzlib                   1.2.12               h8ffe710_2    conda-forge
lz4-c                     1.9.3                h2bbff1b_1  
m2w64-gcc-libgfortran     5.3.0                         6    conda-forge
m2w64-gcc-libs            5.3.0                         7    conda-forge
m2w64-gcc-libs-core       5.3.0                         7    conda-forge
m2w64-gmp                 6.1.0                         2    conda-forge
m2w64-libwinpthread-git               2    conda-forge
markdown                  3.4.1                    pypi_0    pypi
markupsafe                2.1.1                    pypi_0    pypi
matplotlib                3.5.1            py39haa95532_1  
matplotlib-base           3.5.1            py39hd77b12b_1  
mkl                       2021.4.0           haa95532_640  
mkl-service               2.4.0            py39h2bbff1b_0  
mkl_fft                   1.3.1            py39h277e83a_0  
mkl_random                1.2.2            py39hf11a4ad_0  
msys2-conda-epoch         20160418                      1    conda-forge
munkres                   1.1.4                      py_0  
numexpr                   2.8.3            py39hb80d3ca_0  
numpy                     1.23.1           py39h7a0a035_0  
numpy-base                1.23.1           py39hca35cd5_0  
nvidia-ml-py              11.515.48                pypi_0    pypi
oauthlib                  3.2.0                    pypi_0    pypi
opencv-python                    pypi_0    pypi
openh264                  2.3.0                h0e60522_0    conda-forge
openssl                   1.1.1q               h8ffe710_0    conda-forge
opt-einsum                3.3.0                    pypi_0    pypi
packaging                 21.3               pyhd3eb1b0_0  
pcre                      8.45                 hd77b12b_0  
pillow                    9.2.0            py39hdc2b20a_1  
pip                       22.1.2           py39haa95532_0  
ply                       3.11             py39haa95532_0  
protobuf                  3.19.4                   pypi_0    pypi
psutil                    5.9.0            py39h2bbff1b_0  
pyasn1                    0.4.8                    pypi_0    pypi
pyasn1-modules            0.2.8                    pypi_0    pypi
pyparsing                 3.0.4              pyhd3eb1b0_0  
pyqt                      5.15.7           py39hd77b12b_0  
pyqt5-sip                 12.11.0          py39hd77b12b_0  
python                    3.9.12               h6244533_0  
python-dateutil           2.8.2              pyhd3eb1b0_0  
python_abi                3.9                      2_cp39    conda-forge
pywin32                   302              py39h2bbff1b_2  
pywinpty                  2.0.2            py39h5da7b33_0  
qt-main                   5.15.2               he8e5bd7_7  
qt-webengine              5.15.9               hb9a9bb5_4  
qtwebkit                  5.212                h3ad3cdb_4  
requests                  2.28.1                   pypi_0    pypi
requests-oauthlib         1.3.1                    pypi_0    pypi
rsa                       4.9                      pypi_0    pypi
scikit-learn              1.1.2            py39hfd4428b_0    conda-forge
scipy                     1.8.1            py39h5567194_2    conda-forge
setuptools                63.4.1           py39haa95532_0  
sip                       6.6.2            py39hd77b12b_0  
six                       1.16.0             pyhd3eb1b0_1  
sqlite                    3.39.2               h2bbff1b_0  
svt-av1                   1.2.0                h0e60522_0    conda-forge
tensorboard               2.9.1                    pypi_0    pypi
tensorboard-data-server   0.6.1                    pypi_0    pypi
tensorboard-plugin-wit    1.8.1                    pypi_0    pypi
tensorflow-estimator      2.9.0                    pypi_0    pypi
tensorflow-gpu            2.9.1                    pypi_0    pypi
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.26.0                   pypi_0    pypi
tensorflow-probability    0.14.0             pyhd3eb1b0_0  
termcolor                 1.1.0                    pypi_0    pypi
threadpoolctl             3.1.0              pyh8a188c0_0    conda-forge
tk                        8.6.12               h2bbff1b_0  
toml                      0.10.2             pyhd3eb1b0_0  
tornado                   6.1              py39h2bbff1b_0  
tqdm                      4.64.0           py39haa95532_0  
typing-extensions         4.3.0            py39haa95532_0  
typing_extensions         4.3.0            py39haa95532_0  
tzdata                    2022a                hda174b7_0  
urllib3                   1.26.12                  pypi_0    pypi
vc                        14.2                 h21ff451_1  
vs2015_runtime            14.27.29016          h5e58377_2  
werkzeug                  2.2.2                    pypi_0    pypi
wheel                     0.37.1             pyhd3eb1b0_0  
wincertstore              0.2              py39haa95532_2  
winpty                    0.4.3                         4  
wrapt                     1.14.1                   pypi_0    pypi
x264                      1!164.3095           h8ffe710_2    conda-forge
x265                      3.5                  h2d74725_3    conda-forge
xz                        5.2.5                h8cc25b3_1  
zipp                      3.8.1                    pypi_0    pypi
zlib                      1.2.12               h8cc25b3_2  
zstd                      1.5.2                h19a0ad4_0  

================= Configs ==================
--------- .faceswap ---------
backend:                  nvidia

--------- convert.ini ---------

clip:                     True
preserve_paper:           True

colorspace:               HSV
balance_1:                0.0
balance_2:                0.0
balance_3:                0.0
contrast:                 0.0
brightness:               0.0

threshold:                99.0

type:                     normalized
kernel_size:              3
passes:                   4
threshold:                4
erosion:                  0.0
erosion_top:              0.0
erosion_bottom:           0.0
erosion_left:             0.0
erosion_right:            0.0

method:                   none
amount:                   150
radius:                   0.3
threshold:                5.0

container:                mp4
codec:                    libx264
crf:                      23
preset:                   medium
tune:                     none
profile:                  auto
level:                    auto
skip_mux:                 False

fps:                      25
loop:                     0
palettesize:              256
subrectangles:            False

format:                   png
draw_transparent:         False
separate_mask:            False
jpg_quality:              75
png_compress_level:       3

format:                   png
draw_transparent:         False
separate_mask:            False
optimize:                 False
gif_interlace:            True
jpg_quality:              75
png_compress_level:       3
tif_compression:          tiff_deflate

--------- extract.ini ---------

allow_growth:             False

batch-size:               12

confidence:               50

minsize:                  20
scalefactor:              0.709
batch-size:               8
cpu:                      True
threshold_1:              0.6
threshold_2:              0.7
threshold_3:              0.7

confidence:               70
batch-size:               4

batch-size:               8
cpu:                      False
weights:                  faceswap
include_ears:             False
include_hair:             False
include_glasses:          True

batch-size:               8
centering:                face
fill:                     False

batch-size:               8

batch-size:               6

batch-size:               2

--------- gui.ini ---------

fullscreen:               False
tab:                      extract
options_panel_width:      30
console_panel_height:     20
icon_size:                14
font:                     default
font_size:                9
autosave_last_session:    prompt
timeout:                  120
auto_load_model_stats:    True

--------- train.ini ---------

centering:                face
coverage:                 87.5
icnr_init:                False
conv_aware_init:          False
optimizer:                adam
learning_rate:            5e-05
epsilon_exponent:         -7
autoclip:                 False
reflect_padding:          False
allow_growth:             False
mixed_precision:          False
nan_protection:           True
convert_batchsize:        16

loss_function:            ssim
loss_function_2:          mse
loss_weight_2:            100
loss_function_3:          none
loss_weight_3:            0
loss_function_4:          none
loss_weight_4:            0
mask_loss_function:       mse
eye_multiplier:           3
mouth_multiplier:         2
penalized_mask_loss:      True
mask_type:                extended
mask_blur_kernel:         3
mask_threshold:           4
learn_mask:               False

output_size:              128

lowmem:                   False

input_size:               128
architecture:             df
autoencoder_dims:         0
encoder_dims:             42
decoder_dims:             21
multiscale_decoder:       False

features:                 best
details:                  good
output_size:              256

lowmem:                   False

output_size:              128
shared_fc:                none
enable_gblock:            True
split_fc:                 True
split_gblock:             False
split_decoders:           False
enc_architecture:         fs_original
enc_scaling:              7
enc_load_weights:         True
bottleneck_type:          dense
bottleneck_norm:          none
bottleneck_size:          1024
bottleneck_in_encoder:    True
fc_depth:                 1
fc_min_filters:           1024
fc_max_filters:           1024
fc_dimensions:            4
fc_filter_slope:          -0.5
fc_dropout:               0.0
fc_upsampler:             upsample2d
fc_upsamples:             1
fc_upsample_filters:      512
fc_gblock_depth:          3
fc_gblock_min_nodes:      512
fc_gblock_max_nodes:      512
fc_gblock_filter_slope:   -0.5
fc_gblock_dropout:        0.0
dec_upscale_method:       subpixel
dec_upscales_in_fc:       0
dec_norm:                 none
dec_min_filters:          64
dec_max_filters:          512
dec_slope_mode:           full
dec_filter_slope:         -0.45
dec_res_blocks:           1
dec_output_kernel:        5
dec_gaussian:             True
dec_skip_last_residual:   True
freeze_layers:            keras_encoder
load_layers:              encoder
fs_original_depth:        4
fs_original_min_filters:  128
fs_original_max_filters:  1024
fs_original_use_alt:      False
mobilenet_width:          1.0
mobilenet_depth:          1
mobilenet_dropout:        0.001
mobilenet_minimalistic:   False

input_size:               64
output_size:              128
dense_nodes:              1536
complexity_encoder:       128
complexity_decoder:       512

input_size:               128
lowmem:                   False
nodes:                    1024
complexity_encoder:       128
complexity_decoder_a:     384
complexity_decoder_b:     512

lowmem:                   False

preview_images:           14
zoom_amount:              5
rotation_range:           10
shift_range:              5
flip_chance:              50
color_lightness:          30
color_ab:                 8
color_clahe_chance:       50
color_clahe_max_size:     4

I deleted my Faceswap and MiniConda folders and re-installed to see if I had screwed something up during install, but that didn't fix the error. I also get a similar errror when trying to Convert using the GIF format, I didn't include the message/log here for space. But for some reason I can convert as images without issue. What did I mess up here? How do I fix this?

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Posts: 2694
Joined: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:53 am
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Re: Tag/Codec Error on Convert

Post by torzdf »

I don't think you've done anything wrong....

Quick question, where did this error appear:

Code: Select all

[mp4 @ 00000262DDE00900] Could not find tag for codec pcm_s16le in stream #1, codec not currently supported in container
Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argument
Error initializing output stream 0:0 --

Just in the console? (I ask because it is super useful information, and I need to find a way to get it into the log file).

The issue is that the destination container you are using (mp4) does not support the Audio Codec in the original video file (.mov). Faceswap just copies the original audio stream into the output video file. This may be because the codec is not supported, or that FFMPEG has misidentified what it is (it thinks it's a raw WAV file)

There are a number of things you can try...

  1. Go to Convert Settings > FFMPEG and select a different container (.mov or .avi should support the audio codec)
  2. In the same settings enable the "skip-mux" option (this will output the video file without the audio stream) and then look to add the audio in your self afterwards.

My word is final

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Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2022 11:50 pm

Re: Tag/Codec Error on Convert

Post by AnonSupreme »

torzdf wrote: Thu Aug 25, 2022 11:05 am

I don't think you've done anything wrong....

Quick question, where did this error appear:

Code: Select all

[mp4 @ 00000262DDE00900] Could not find tag for codec pcm_s16le in stream #1, codec not currently supported in container
Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argument
Error initializing output stream 0:0 --

Just in the console? (I ask because it is super useful information, and I need to find a way to get it into the log file).

The issue is that the destination container you are using (mp4) does not support the Audio Codec in the original video file (.mov). Faceswap just copies the original audio stream into the output video file. This may be because the codec is not supported, or that FFMPEG has misidentified what it is (it thinks it's a raw WAV file)

This was indeed the issue, I must have accidentally selected a different option when initially cutting and exporting the video this time; I went back and exported it as a different file format and it works just fine now, thanks!

Also yeah, that "could not find tag" message just popped up in the console as it was initializing the processes.
