swap two faces - just pictures, no video

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swap two faces - just pictures, no video

Post by blueswapshoes »


I'd like to swap two faces, I have about 30 pictures of each face.

Now I tried to follow the steps "Extraction", "Training" and "Convert".
Well, this is the result...


What went wrong? I miss a simple tutorial for the first quick and dirty steps, just to understand the process + first acceptable results.

Thanks for help.

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Re: swap two faces - just pictures, no video

Post by torzdf »

See the FAQ item: I've trained the model for ages, the previews look good, so why is the swapped face blurry?

What went wrong? I miss a simple tutorial for the first quick and dirty steps, just to understand the process + first acceptable results.

There aren't really any quick and dirty steps. Everyone's first swap is terrible. Doing good Deepfakes takes time and experience.

My word is final
